Taos Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan Groundwork Studio is currently working with the Town of Taos and Taos MainStreet on their Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA) Plan, a community planning process designed to protect what Taoseños love about their community while addressing real economic challenges. The planning process builds from previous planning [...]
Albuquerque Academy Path & Quad
Alexandra McAlister2024-01-03T10:26:56-07:00Albuquerque Academy Path & Quad Groundwork Studio worked with Albuquerque Academy on a transformative project to revitalize the central spine and activity centers on campus by replacing “The Path” and main Quad. This renovation took significant strides to improve the accessibility and visual character of these iconic campus landscapes, while [...]
Complete Streets Renderings
Amy Bell, PLA, ASLA2023-07-27T11:18:20-06:00Complete Street Renderings Groundwork Studio has worked with the American Heart Association (AHA) since 2019 to develop visualizations of Complete Streets in multiple urban centers in New Mexico including Albuquerque, Las Cruces and Santa Fe. These visualizations were developed to support the AHA’s advocacy efforts and assistance in developing robust [...]
Roswell Wayfinding Plan
Amy Bell, PLA, ASLA2023-07-27T11:18:00-06:00Roswell Wayfinding Plan In the Spring of 2021, the City of Roswell engaged a project team led by Groundwork Studio to develop a comprehensive wayfinding plan. The purpose of the plan is to design a system of signs to guide travelers on the City’s thoroughfares to key public destinations including [...]
Pueblo Alto & Mile Hi Drainage Outreach
Amy Bell, PLA, ASLA2023-07-27T11:17:36-06:00Pueblo Alto & Mile Hi Drainage Outreach This unique outreach project involved the Pueblo Alto and Mile Hi community members in a transparent process identifying assets and opportunities to resolve local drainage issues. These neighborhoods regularly experience problematic flooding issues, caused mainly by an inadequately sized storm drain system. While [...]
CABQ Nature Play Recommendations
Amy Bell, PLA, ASLA2023-07-27T11:17:14-06:00CABQ Nature Play Recommendations In collaboration with MRWM Landscape Architects, Parks and Recreation Department staff, and Nature Play Roundtable volunteers, Groundwork Studio assisted in the development of the City’s new Nature Play Recommendations. The purpose of the document is to raise awareness of the need for nature play and to [...]
Jewish Community Center Garden
Mike Pace2023-08-29T14:12:49-06:00Jewish Community Center Garden The Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Greater Albuquerque, founded in 2000, is a non-profit organization, open to all regardless of religious affiliation.The campus has fitness and athletic facilities, an outdoor aquatics center, early childhood education center and provides a wide variety of cultural, educational, and recreational [...]
Coyote Creek State Park Master Plan
Mike Pace2023-07-27T11:13:52-06:00Coyote Creek State Park Master Plan Coyote Creek State Park is located in the Guadalupita Canyon in northern New Mexico. Primary recreational activities available in the approximately 465 acre park include camping, fishing and hiking. Coyote Creek runs north to south through the park and is considered critical habitat for [...]
Gallinas River Park Improvements
Mike Pace2023-08-29T14:22:48-06:00Gallinas River Park Improvements Groundwork Studio worked with community members and the City of Las Vegas to actualize the conceptual master plan that was created through a Community Design Workshop in 2018. Representatives from every part of Las Vegas and its surroundings participated in a three-day workshop that included discussion, debate and [...]
Wells Park Redevelopment
Mike Pace2023-08-29T10:14:34-06:00Wells Park Redevelopment Groundwork Studio has been working with the Wells Park Community since 2020 to envision, plan and redesign Wells Park and the adjacent vacant property (also known as the “Walker Property”). The process began with a 6-month public engagement process to develop a community-based vision for the redevelopment of [...]