NM Outdoor Recreation Atlas


NM Outdoor Recreation Atlas This unprecedented collaboration between NM MainStreet and the Outdoor Recreation Division engaged municipal and county elected officials and staff, MainStreet organizations, local nonprofits, and local business owners from five New Mexico counties in a mapping and project prioritization exercise. This pilot study engaged municipal and county [...]

International District Urban Agriculture Plan


International District Urban Agriculture Plan In partnership with Bernalillo County and the International District Healthy Communities Coalition (IDHCC), Groundwork Studio developed a plan to create a sustainable framework for urban agriculture in Albuquerque’s most diverse urban neighborhood.Through comprehensive inventory and mapping of assets and partnerships, responsive community needs assessment and [...]

Embarcadero Institute Mapping and Analysis


Embarcadero Institute Mapping & Policy Analysis Groundwork Studio has provided ongoing planning analysis and mapping support to the Embarcadero Institute in Palo Alto, CA. The Embarcadero Institute is a non-profit community organization that publishes analysis that gives context to local policy affecting Palo Alto and the Bay Area.  Projects have [...]

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